Wide Awake in the New CityA micro opera for unaccompanied singer
5 minutes 2021 Music by Lisa Neher Libretto by Kendra Leonard High Key/Tenor or Soprano Version Range: C3-A4 (soprano up one octave) Medium Key/Baritone or Mezzo Version Range: A2 - F#4 (mezzo up one octave) Additional Transpositions available by request. ScorePreview the score (high key)
Contact Lisa to preview the high or low keys or to request a specific transposition Program NoteWhen you move to a completely new place in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic, things are not exactly normal. Raul struggles to unpack and settle into his apartment, wondering if he can serve his students while teaching virtually and finally questioning what he’s doing in his life. His despair turns to excitement and hope with a little change of view.
Wide Awake in the New City acknowledges the uncertainty and doubt we all feel while keeping the flame of hope alive for the future. This opera was written for tenor Hugo Vera and is based in part on his own life experiences moving during the pandemic. Thanks to Hugo for suggesting the inclusion of Spanish phrases in this opera and consulting on grammar. Singers of any gender identity may perform this role and may change the gender identity of the character. |